Juggling Success – How does Bernadine Do It?

As we honour the achievements and contributions of remarkable women around the world this International Women’s Day, we turn our spotlight to Bernadine, an inspiring figure in the realm of finance. With her unwavering determination, resilience, and innovative spirit, Bernadine has carved a path of success that not only defies stereotypes but also paves the way for future generations of …

Covid support for business

With Covid-19 lockdowns once again wreaking havoc across the country, particularly in our eastern states, extensions to COVID Support have been announced in NSW and VIC by the Federal and State Governments.   New South Wales Job Saver Programme that opened on Monday is the new and improved Job Keeper programme from 2020.  – Businesses with: Annual sales between $75,000 to $250m …

home builder tradesperson jumping for joy outside house with plans in hand

Stamp duty discounts announced as Victorian Budget spends billions to reinvigorate economy

October 25th 2020 Victorian home buyers are the BIG WINNERS following the announcement of their State Budget for 2020-21. There is no denying that the Victorian state economy has taken a battering during the coronavirus pandemic. In response, the Victorian Government are offering stamp duty discounts plus an additional spend of almost $50 billion on other concessions, subsidies and projects. …


October 2nd 2020 There is no doubt that 2020 has dealt out its fair share of financial woes but there appears to be light at the end of the tunnel. Firstly, the announcement of relaxed Responsible Lending Laws. Secondly, the anticipation of further cuts to the already rock bottom Cash Rate in November. Will this be enough to kick the …

Housing Stimulus Package

Australian Government Housing Stimulus Package

In their most recent attempt to boost the economy the Government have announced a new housing stimulus package aimed at rekindling property market activity. “Australians will be offered $25,000 grants to build a new home or start a major renovation under near-$700 million federal government housing package in a bid to boost the economy and act as a lifeline to …